Monday, June 30, 2014

Work at SPOC Day.

A random day working for my favorite mummy friend at her work place.

I met Jasmine in the morning and we took train together to her work place in Farrer Park.
 Worked with another mummy friend, Reine, and her boyfriend together.

Lunch with Jasmine at Lavender Food Centre.
Craving for Char Kuay Teow satisfied, but was not as nice as I expected.
We shared Xiao Long Baos.
And Jasmine's tom yum noodle looks really good.


After work, it was time for some.. Cam-whoring session while walking to City Square Mall.

Today's job was to pack the goody bags for the 100 plus promotion's goody bags.

We went into Charles & Keith and I saw some very nice covered wedges heels at $12.90. That was mad cheap and without thinking, I bought a pair for myself when I knew there was my size. Hahaha.

Bought Empal Penyet from the Indoneisian stall at the food court back for dinner. Sums up my day.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Happy Sundate.

To the person who can always make me smile.

My baby girl woke up early today.

Always asking for sweets or biscuit from me in the morning.

I went out early today and bought breakfast from KFC.

Out on a date today, #butfirstletmetakeaselfie.

Summary of my sun-date.
Finally after what feels like a year or more, out on a movie date again.
We are watching Transformers at our first & most frequent movie date place, 
Filmgrade at Kallang Leisure Park.

Next, we headed to Suntec City and had dinner at the new kopitiam, Beef Pepper Rice from Pepper Lunch.

Yum yum yummy, I'm loving it. See how clean I finished my rice.
Happy girl is me, I got the 'Gift From The Heart' charm from Pandora as one of my very early birthday gift from someone special. Hehehe. Thank you & I love it sooooo much.
My Pandora charms collections.
I bought these for someone as he is having sore throat and standby breakfast for him.

This is SO me most of the times. LOL! 

Loving my happy happy Sun-date! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Time to Explore.

 My baby girl always ask me to take pictures of her before allowing me to go out. Adorable to the max.


I was out early and in time to have my favorite breakfast in KFC and some alone time spend with my music and hayday. 

I bought some mini durian eggless cakes from Emicakes and cans of redbull to reward and energize a busy man after he ends work.

I was on a journey to a faraway place today. 

Guess where is this place? Could have been my school if I was studying int hat school one year later.

Snacks for myself while I was waiting.


I did something very lame and I only dared to do it knowing there was no one around.

I tried the sweep paranoma function in my new Son Xperia Z1's camera app.
It was awesome and I am loving the pictures.

Beautiful right??? I'm at ITE College West!

Simple but happy Saturday.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Kids, kids and more kids.

Mainly photos of the kids at home earlier today.



My favorite drink. I always believe drinking this makes me happy.

The usual egg pratas for dinner for two.