Sunday, June 8, 2014

Baby is Happy on Sunday.

I found this picture I drew 15 years ago, when I was attending Sunday religious class at DACC.

Baby girl loves sticking to me like super glue, which means even when I am in the toilet, she has to follow me into the toilet too, ALL THE TIME. While I was taking photos of her, she starts taking photos of me too.

My room now has, TWO queen size beds. And look at how all my boxes are stacked up. So dangerous for the kids, need to start packing and clearing lots of stuff soon.

I brought Melody out today to find her favorite uncle, Khai Khai, because he misses her and she wants to play with him too. See how much she loves him, she keeps climbing onto him and disturbing him. Hahahahaha.

Cute panda biscuit for Melody.

Bought cheap cake again, today is Shaqim birthday, though he is not here physically, but we could still celebrate for him here in Singapore. Melody gets all excited when she sees a cake. I bluffed that it was her birthday and she really blieved it was her birthday. Hahaha.

Ending this post with some cute marvel minions photo.

Melody is a happy baby today. Seeing her happy makes me happy too.

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