Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Day to Gift.

I had a chance to enjoy my favourite A.M. Porridge from KFC again this morning.

I was taking my own sweet time and sat there for about an hour till I remembered something. It was Melody's Parent-Teacher Meeting this morning and jt slipped my mind. No wonder I felt like I forgot something, lucky I remembered and gave the school a call. And lucky I was still in Seng Kang so I made my way to her school straight. Talked to the teachers for more than half an hour. Hmmm.

Next, I went to NTUC at NEX and bought quite alot of stuffs. Mainly they are gifts for others.

Belated birthday gift for my favorite uncle.

And lastly, Fathers' day gift for my father.

Dinner tonight was home-cooked prata and can curry.

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