Saturday, June 7, 2014

Slack on Saturday.

I had craving for my favorite breakfast today.

I left home at 10.50am, and made it just in time for my favorite breakfast. I should be lucky that there was still alot of bowks of A.M. porridge leftxm, maybe because it's a weekend. Yummy and satisfied.

But I was hungry again at 2+pm and decided to buy Malay rice for lunch. As it was quite late, there was nothing much left. Had mussels and sambal egg only.

And it's prata for dinner again tonight. Like I said, this is one of my most frequent meals. Two egg prata for dinner always. Can never get sick of pratas.

This place.

Happy us with our phones. We are so hooked to playing games with our phones now. 

Simple Saturday as always.

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