Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Fathers' Day.

Melody gave me this excitedly in the morning when I woke up. I felt bad as I was not as excited to receive this as I was not a father. But I felt bad now recalling how excited she was and telling me that I am the best. Awww.

My adorable baby requested for me to take her photos before I left home as usual. Hehe.

I went to Vivo City today.

There was a Harley Davidson bike showcase.

Khai Khai wanted to take photos with the bike.

I wanted a shot with the bike too.

I think this drawings are nice so I wanted a shot with it too.

Khai Khai's lunch.

My lunch.

Our lunch at Food Republic.

Taking new and nice photos for Khai Khai so he can change profile pictures again. Hahaha.

Not forgetting Khai Khai with the beautiful views of Sentosa.

Hello, I love big teddy bear. Will someone buy this for me please?

Khai Khai loves big teddy bear too.

Khai Khai and beautiful red flowers.

Home-cooked chicken midwings and friend sotong for dinner tonight.

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