Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday with Melody.

Today is devoted to Melody.

My cousin, Xanne, accompanied Melody and I out today. 

First destination was to KKH for Melody's appointment at 1pm. The entire procedure and check-up lasted for two hours! Luckily we bought McDonalds for lunch before the check-up.

Here is a photo of my lady boss.

Happy baby playing with toys while waiting for her turn.

See, she gave me such a sweet smile. Smile until eyes cannot be seen soon.

Next stop was to Port Of Lost Wonders in Sentosa. We reached there about 4pm and let Melody have one hour of water play fun time.

My baby is always very willing to pose for me before she starts having fun. Before we went there, I showed her photos and ask if she wants to go and will she be afraid. She insist that she wants to go and she is not afraid. But... Once we are there, she is afraid to go to the Pirate ship to play the slides etc herself. Ends up only playing water at the side. Oh well..

Next we headed to Vivo againand had di ner at McDonalds, yes again. And walk wall around in Daiso. Of course my baby had things that she wants me to buy for her as usual.

Baby with her new stickers from Daiso.

My special burger during dinner time.

Melody had bought a toy car from Daiso too and insisted that she wants to play it with Uncle Khai Khai. So, I granted her wish and brought her to find Uncle Khai Khai as this may be the last time she gets to see him.
(She actually wanted to watch movie badly but I tried to push that plan away because I was very tired and I don't think I have the patience to handle her in a cinema tonight. FYI, she never sits still till the end of a movie.)

Playing the laptop likea pro.

Having fun with her dragon toy from McDonald's happy meal.

Photos with her favorite uncle, Khai Khai.

And random snapshots of Melidy with the two uncles she enjoy playing with.

It was a simple but tiring day out with my baby girl. Seeing her happy makes it all worthwhile.

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